Characteristics of the Degree in Psychology
Only available in Spanish

The University Degree in Psychology is a university education in a field of scientific and academic knowledge and in a field of consolidated and widespread professional practice, both in Spain and in the international sphere.

With regard to the development of this online degree, personalized teaching continues to be a hallmark of the UEMC, which is embodied in the concept of Supervised Activity. This allows to keep the focus on the student’s activity and, at the same time, to carry out a supervisory action through monitoring, personal attention and tutorial action on the UEMC online campus.

Official Degree of Graduate in Psychology by the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes published in the BOE of 26/01/2017.

Needs and Demands

The needs and demands of the target public in the different fields of application are identified and the objectives of the psychological action are established.


Identify the relevant behavioral characteristics of individuals.

Health and Quality of Life

Promote health and quality of life in individuals, groups, communities and organizations in different contexts (educational, clinical, community…) through the profession’s own methods.

Techniques and Intervention

Define the objectives, develop the intervention plan and techniques according to the needs and demands of the target audience.


Elaborate psychological reports in different fields of action.

The fields of professional practice of psychology in Spain have been defined by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos (COP, currently Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos, CGCOP), in the work “Perfiles profesionales del psicólogo” (1998) ( This document describes the major consolidated fields of professional practice:

  • Clinical and health psychology
  • Educational psychology
  • Psychology of work and organizations
  • Psychology of social intervention
  • Legal psychology
  • Psychology of physical activity and sport

Methodology applied to this Degree

Online Multidevice
Videoconference Classes
240 ECTS
Evaluation and Follow-up through Videoconferencing


This degree consists of the following modules:

Fundamentos Biológicos de la ConductaBA61º S
Psicología SocialBA61º S
Análisis de Datos IBA61º S
Historia de la PsicologíaBA61º S
Psicología: ciencia y profesiónBA61º S
Motivación y emociónBA62º S
Psicología del Pensamiento y lenguajeBA62º S
Psicología del desarrollo cognitivo y lingüísticoBA62º S
Psicología de la personalidad, y diferencias individualesBA62º S
Psicología de la SaludBA 2º S
Psicología del AprendizajeBA61º S
Psicología FisiológicaOB61º T
Psicología del desarrollo afectivo y socialOB61º S
Análisis de Datos IIOB61º S
Evaluación psicológicaOB121º S
Atención y PercepciónOB62º S
Psicología de la MemoriaOB62º S
Psicología de gruposOB 62º S
Inglés en las Ciencias de la SaludOB62º S
PsicometríaOB 62º S
Diseños experimentales (metodología experimental) en psicologíaOB61º S
Psicología del trabajo y las organizacionesOB61º S
Psicología del envejecimientoOB61º S
Psicología de la EducaciónOB61º S
Psicopatología de la infancia y la adolescenciaOB61º S
PsicofarmacologíaOB62º S
NeuropsicologíaOB62º S
Psicopatología del adultoOB62º S
Diagnóstico psicológicoOB62º S
 Técnicas de intervención y tratamiento psicológico IOB62º S
Técnicas de intervención y tratamiento psicológico IIOB61º S
Intervención psicosocialOB61º S
Psicología de la Vejez: Evaluación e IntervenciónOP61º S
Psicología del DeporteOP61º S
Trastornos de la alimentaciónOP61º S
Psicología JurídicaOP61º S
Psicología de la sexualidadOP62º S
Psicología de las adiccionesOP62º S
Psicología de los Recursos HumanosOP62º S
Igualdad y violencia de géneroOP62º S
Prácticas externas(1)PE122º S
Trabajo Fin de GradoTFG62º S

The completion of the internship course is mandatory and therefore, all students must take it, except those who comply with the provisions of the current credit recognition regulations (Regulation 4/2012, of March 30, on credit recognition and transfer, are subject to its recognition.


Formación imprescindible y necesaria para cualquier  profesional.