Only available in Spanish

Leading knowledge in Strategic, Transmedia and Integral Communication.

This Official University Degree, SCORE for the OPPOSITIONS to TEACHING and other Positions of the different Public Administrations.

The Official Master’s Degree in Research and Management of Innovation in Communication explores communication tools to innovate in the educational field.

It teaches (trans)media and digital literacy techniques, as well as creative and collaborative networked learning. It provides the keys to cutting-edge teaching formats both at a distance: Moocs, e-learning platforms and virtual classrooms; and face-to-face: citizen laboratories. It also provides guidelines for emotional education, leadership and visualization of communication, all of which are fundamental elements for innovation in today’s teaching environment.

This Official Master’s Degree in Research and Innovation Management in Communication, accredited by the European University Miguel de Cervantes (UEMC) has as its main objective to provide cutting-edge training to researchers and professionals in education and the media environment. Thanks to digital technologies, communication has experienced in recent decades a true revolution and an unprecedented expansion. Media convergence, audiovisual omnipresence, interactivity, dynamization in social networks, or the obsession with measurement, are a reality that offers new business opportunities and new professional profiles for public and private places, but also requires continuous learning.

In order to successfully face the new communication challenges, this master’s degree covers the most recent and relevant aspects of strategic communication and public relations, journalism and its online entrepreneurship, advertising creation and transmedia narratives. The training proposed in the master’s program is twofold. On the one hand, it provides the tools and know-how necessary for professional performance in teaching and communication. It shows how to design a communication plan and manage communication crises; implement corporate reputation; develop a transmedia project; exercise emotional intelligence in an organization; and how to persuade with playful and integrated advertising techniques. On the other hand, the Master’s Degree also allows you to score points in competitive examinations and start an academic career.

Another of the perspectives of the master’s degree is that which deals with its research aspect, which allows access to the PhD. In this sense, it provides a solid theoretical, methodological and analytical basis for the scientific study of communication and Social Sciences. And it pays particular attention to implementations in applied research through the collection of Big Data, software development, or the systematization of measurement and evaluation indicators.

According to the analysis of digital communication, the online methodology of this program has many advantages, especially highlighting the flexibility of access from different devices and schedules lainteracción with teachers and tutors easily and quickly and skills development in virtual environments. Promerits (Professionalization, Merit and Status), a leading company in the Online University field, offers among its teachings in the field of Communication, this new Official University Master’s Degree in Research and Innovation Management in Online Communication, equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to overcome the new challenges and professional demands in the communicative practice, supporting the concerns of students and their entrepreneurial projects. Likewise, the evaluation system has an innovative facial recognition system with which the student can take the exam from anywhere in the world. They will only need an internet connection and access to a webcam. In this way, Promerits is committed to overcoming geographical barriers, allowing students to access official quality training 100% online.

In short, this Official University Master’s Degree in Communication presents the following differential aspects:

– Contributes to cutting-edge training in Digital Communication, essential in e-learning and teleworking.
– It prepares to undertake new business opportunities and adapt to the new job profiles demanded in the communication sector.
-It covers multiple areas of current communication: Strategic Communication, Online Journalism, Audiovisual Omnipresence and Transmediality.
– It provides the necessary tools for the professional performance of communication.
– Design and monitoring of a Communication Plan.
– Communication and Reputation crisis management, exercise of playful and integrated Advertising Persuasion.
-Design of transmedia strategies, measurement and evaluation of communication.
-It allows to orient towards an academic and research career, and gives access to the PhD, gathering the latest tools and methodological innovations in communication research.

  • 60 ECTS by the European University Miguel de Cervantes
  • Duration: 1 Academic Year
  • Flexibility of access from different devices and schedules
  • Cutting-edge training for Teaching Professionals in the use of multimedia tools and as Educational Innovation
  • New Challenges in Strategic Communications and PR, Journalism and Online Entrepreneurship
  • Academic Tutor and Personal Advisor
  • LIVE videoconferencing that is recorded
  • TFM Defense by Videoconference
  • ONLINE Continuous Assessment
  • Renowned Faculty of Recognized Prestige
  • LEADING Company in the ONLINE University Field. Experience and Prestige
  • OPTIONAL Internships in Companies or Communication Agencies
  • Real-Time Teacher-Student Interaction

Who is this Official University Master's Degree aimed at?

This Official Master’s Degree in Research and Innovation Management in Communication, accredited by the European University Miguel de Cervantes (UECM) is aimed at all those students and professionals who wish to receive postgraduate training for their professional career, both in the public and private sectors. We cannot forget about its specialization aspect aimed at Teachers, Researchers, Communicators and Professionals in the Media Environment.

Objectives of this Official University Master's Degree

This Official University Master’s Degree in Communication develops a novel and comprehensive program that analyzes the following aspects:

Media Research and Innovation Methodology

Applied Research Strategies

Measurement and Evaluation in Communication

Business Opportunities and Business Strategies

Emotional Skills for Leadership Development

Latest trends in Strategic Communication

Roadmaps for Strategic Advertising Management

Transmedia Production, Creation and Realization

Professional Opportunities

Teaching Examinations
Director of Corporate Communications
Director of Advertising Agency and Media Center
Television Editor
Reporter/Communication Correspondent
Communication Researcher
Communication Professional
Radio and TV Presenters

This Master's Degree provides important contents for Educational Communication in the following Modules:

Reasons to enroll in Promerits

Professionalism, Merit and Status
Internships in Media Agencies and in Communication Departments of Large Companies (no job vacancies)
Highly Experienced Teachers in Media and Strategic Communication
Library and Documentation
Personalized tutor


Formación imprescindible y necesaria para cualquier  profesional.