Only available in Spanish

The most professionalized and modern training to fight crime in the 21st century.

The Criminologist can perform his profession in different fields and from different scientific perspectives, since he will deal with the study of criminal behavior and the social reaction to such behavior. The complexity of criminology has been intensifying in the criminal scenario. Currently, in addition to the most common crimes, cybercrime, terrorism and organized gangs have led research trends to evolve towards a thorough training in constant evolution, which deepens the prevention of crime.

Objectives of this Degree

Theoretical and Practical Knowledge

Acquire knowledge of humanistic, legal, technical-police and criminological sciences, as well as their application in legal disputes through the exercise of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Expert Activities

To train criminologists capable of performing expert and consulting activities in the areas of prevention, identification and treatment of criminological behaviors in order to analyze prevention schemes.

Scientific Methodologies

To achieve the critical capacity to analyze the adequate treatment of penalties and social reinsertion, as well as to master the scientific methodological tools necessary for the analysis of such treatments.

Criminological Studies

To deepen in the theoretical and practical concepts of Criminology, knowing the different tendencies of explanation of the criminal phenomenon and techniques of social control to elaborate criminological studies.

Interdisciplinary Training

To provide interdisciplinary scientific training in the different aspects related to the criminal act or deviant behavior.

Methodology applied to this Degree

Online Multi-device
Videoconference Classes
240 ECTS
Evaluation and Follow-up through Videoconferencing


This degree consists of the following modules:

Derecho Civil, Fuentes del DerechoBA61º T
Antropología Social y ForenseBA61º T
Derecho Constitucional y Organización del EstadoBA61º T
Psicología GeneralBA61º T
Sociología de la DesviaciónBA62º T
DeontologíaBA62º T
Psicología CriminalBA62º T
Política Criminal Y Derechos HumanosOB62º T
Informática AplicadaBA61º T
VictimologíaOB61º T
Estadística AplicadaBA12Anual
Derecho PenalOB12Anual
Medicina Legal y ForenseOB12Anual
Psiquiatría ForenseOB62º T
Derecho Procesal PenalOB62º T
Mediación y resolución de conflictosOB61º T
BiologíaOP61º T
Documentoscopia y Escritura manuscritaOP61º T
Igualdad y Violencia de GéneroOP61º T
Psicología de las AdiccionesOP61º T
Identificación Personal Y CriminalísticaOB12Anual
Derecho Penitenciario y de ReformaOB12Anual
Técnicas De Comunicación EficazOB62º T
Derecho Procesal PenalOB62º T
Legislación Penal de MenoresOB62º T
Conflictos Sociales y su Investigación PrácticaOB61º T
Seguridad Pública y Espacio EuropeoOB61º T
Seguridad PrivadaOB61º T
La Criminalidad del Siglo XXIOB61º T
Fundamentos Biológicos de la ConductaOB61º T
Criminalística AvanzadaOP62º T
Psicología JurídicaOP62º T
Trabajo Social, Forense y  PenitenciarioOP62º T
Investigación Criminal: Perfil E Informe CriminológicoOP62º T
Prácticas Externas: Generales u orientadas a MenciónOB62º T
Prácticas Externas (Mención en Peritaje)OB62º T
Prácticas Externas (Mención en Psicología Criminal)OB62º T
Trabajo Fin De GradoOB12Anual
Elective SubjectsECTSPeriod
Investigación Criminal: Perfil e Informe Criminológico62º T
Documentoscopia y Escritura Manuscrita62º T
Biología61º T
Criminalística Avanzada e Informes Periciales61º T
Psicología Jurídica61º T
Psicología de las Adicciones62º T
Trabajo Social Forense y Penitenciario61º T
Igualdad y Violencia de Género61º T


Formación imprescindible y necesaria para cualquier  profesional.