Only available in Spanish
The knowledge and skills acquired with this University Specialization Course in CRIMINOLOGY are essential for students who wish to focus their professional career on management and research activities related to security, whether in the private or public sector.
In short, it is an ideal opportunity to get started in the field of Criminology.
A specialized training, taught by professionals of recognized prestige in the field of Criminology and with extensive experience in online training.
This university course consists of 12 ECTS and, therefore, may be subject to validation by the annual subject of Criminology in the official curriculum of the University Degree.
In relation to the access requirements, it is possible to access the CUE even if you do not have a previous degree, as it is aimed at all those who wish to have a first contact with Criminology. If they later decide to take the official degree, it will be necessary to have the relevant university entrance qualification.
Objectives of this University Specialization Course

Multidevice online platform.

The area of security is distinguished by its great social and economic importance, being present in both the public and private spheres. We must highlight the business sector as one of the main employment niches for criminologists in recent years.

To provide the knowledge and skills necessary for professionals in the field of Security in the private or public sector, with a clear focus on positions of responsibility.

Understanding deviant behavior and the criminal act.

General and evolutionary understanding of criminological thought.

Provide key concepts, definitions, theories, techniques, reports, etc.

To provide basic knowledge to deepen in specific studies of Criminology.

Knowledge of criminological techniques and criminological reports.
Methodology applied to this University Specialization Course
This is a fully online training through the virtual campus of the UEMC (European University Miguel de Cervantes), where you will find all the study material necessary to pass the course.
Both classes and consulting workshops will be broadcast in live sessions via videoconference, being available in the virtual classroom within 48 hours (counting from the live broadcast of the lesson) for later deferred viewing.

Online Multidevice

Videoconference Classes



Evaluation and Follow-up through Videoconferencing
This University Specialization Course consists of the following topics:
Unit 1. Introduction, Object and historical evolution of Criminology.
Unit 2. Relationship of Criminology with other Sciences.
Unit 3. Criminological Theories I. Classical School.
Unit 4. Criminological Theories II. Positive School.
Unit 5. Criminological Theories III. Empirical School.
Unit 6. Criminological Theories IV. Biological Theories and Schools.
Unit 7. Criminological Theories V. Sociological Theories and Schools I.
Unit 8. Criminological Theories VI. Sociological Theories and Schools II.
Unit 9. Criminological Theories VII. Sociological Theories and Schools III.
Unit 10. Contributions of Criminology.
Unit 11. Socio-Criminological Policies.
Unit 12. Criminological techniques.
Unit 13. Analysis. Theory. Practice.
Unit 14. Criminological report.
Unit 15. Characteristics.
Unit 16. The present and future criminologist.
At the end of the course, it will be possible to request the issuance of a certificate and/or diploma accredited by the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes as its own degree with 6 ECTS.
The University Specialization Course in Criminology will be subject to validation by the annual course of 12 ECTS of the first year of the official degree in Criminology *.
Consult and download the catalog of the degree here of the official degree with RUCT code number: 2503474).
* Complying with the requirements established in Article 6 of Recognition and transfer of credits, of the R.D 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university education.
At PROMERITS, we have an excellent teaching staff. All of them are professors, doctors (PhD) and/or senior managers in some of the main Spanish and multinational companies in the sector, with extensive teaching and research experience.
The University Specialization Course in Criminology is a specialized training, taught by recognized professionals in the field of Criminology with extensive experience in online training.
Professional Opportunities

Public and Private Security Profiles

Criminology Area
The Specialization Course in Criminology has a system of fellowships and special offers that are adjusted to the needs of each student.
All those interested in the area of security and criminology can combine courses and programs and use the ECTS obtained for subsequent validation processes.
Do not hesitate to contact our training advisors to find out more about our scholarship programs and combined degrees.
Consult all the information.