Official Master´s Degree inDirection and Management of Cultural and Creative Industries
Characteristics of the Official Master's Degree in Research and Innovation Management in Communication

It is an Official Degree Accredited and Recognised for all purposes by the regulatory bodies of University Academic Quality (ACSUCYL y ANECA), according to RESOLUTION BOCyL n.º 200, 16 de october de 2018 published in BOE 13/02/2019 y RUCT code: 4316608 .

Credit Recognition Plan

UEMC-PROMERITS, allows interested parties wishing to enrol in the se Official University Master’s Degree in Management and Administration of Cultural and Creative Industries, to carry out a free provisional Credit Recognition Study to determine the scope of validation of subjects and/or curricular practices, equivalent to Official University Education, non-official University Education leading to other degrees, Work or Professional Experience and Languages, which meet the necessary criteria for validation.

The requirements established in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, which establishes the organisation of official university education, must be met. Article 6. Recognition and transfer of credits.

Don’t hesitate to consult your particular case to start the free provisional study!

Objectives of this Official Master's Degree

The Master’s Degree in Direction and Management of Cultural and Creative Industries pursues the following objectives:

  • To learn about the field of Direction, Management and Programming of Cultural and Creative Industries, both in companies and in public and private institutions operating in the cultural sector.
  •  To provide knowledge and tools for the Direction and Management of projects in this field.
  • To provide our UEMC-PROMERITS Master’s students with the necessary skills in Leadership and Cultural Cooperation.
  • To develop a strategic vision of the Culture, Leisure-Tourism and Creativity sector.
  • Improve professional skills to assume responsibilities with Solvency within Cultural Organisations.
  • To prepare our students to face the challenges of daily activity in their work within the Cultural and Creative Industry sector.
  • To boost the students’ Creative Capacities for Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship.
  • To provide students with indispensable interdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of Audiovisual, Graphic Publishing, Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, etc.

Who is this Official Master's Degree aimed at?

If you love the world of events, festivals and shows… This Master is FOR YOU.

It is a Master with multiple professional opportunities and is aimed especially at graduates, graduates and graduates in:

  • Protocol and Event Organisation.
  • Advertising and Public Relations.
  • Audiovisual Communication.
  • Communication.
  • Digital Communication.
  • Journalism.
  • Film and Audiovisual Fiction.
  • Art History.
  • History.
  • Arts.
  • Fine Arts.
  • Cultural Management.
  • Marketing.
  • Marketing and Market Research.
  • Tourism.
  • Sociology.
  • International Relations.
  • Political Science.
  • Psychology.
  • Business Administration and Management.
  • Economics.
  • Law.
  • Anthropology.
Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Industrias Culturales y Creativas
Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Industrias Culturales y Creativas
Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Industrias Culturales y Creativas
Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Industrias Culturales y Creativas
Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Industrias Culturales y Creativas
Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Industrias Culturales y Creativas

Professional outings

The Master’s Degree in Direction and Management of Cultural and Creative Industries has a professional orientation to facilitate the incorporation of students into the labor market, or to allow the recycling of professionals who are already incorporated into the labor market.

The following professional opportunities can be highlighted, taking into account the versatility and dynamism of this type of industry:

  • Culture Manager.
  • Technician in the field of culture and creativity.
  • Administrator of public or private cultural societies and entities.
  • Director and/or coordinator of cultural, musical, gastronomic,
  • Tourist festivals.
  • Technical guide-interpreter of cultural
  • Tourism.
    Cultural Marketing Manager.
  • Manager of cultural and creative industries companies.
  • Responsible for cultural institutions and facilities (museums, cultural centers, houses of culture, service providers,
  • Conference centers, fairs, foundations, residences, universities…).
  • Technician in cultural departments of the administration of public institutions.
  • Manager of sports facilities (public and private).
  • Director-Manager of Auditoriums, Cinemas or Theaters.
  • Technician in International Development Cooperation.
  • Consultant.
    Director, patron and technician of Foundations and technician of associations or entities of the third sector.
  • Cultural Communication Technician.
  • Cultural journalist and art and culture critic.
  • Community Manager.
  • Social Media Strategist.
  • Intellectual Property Rights Manager.
  • European project manager.
  • Local development technician.
  • Responsible for fundraising.
  • Publisher of books and magazines.
  • Cultural events programmer.
  • Manager and representative of artists.
  • Advisors in political-cultural companies.
  • Management of archives and libraries, in the conservation and organization of cultural heritage.
  • Audiovisual producer.
  • Director of video game companies.
  • Other technical activities and management and direction in fields such as fashion, cinema, advertising, software applications, etc.
  • Responsible for dissemination, audiences and communication in companies in the sector.

Teaching program





Análisis, Estudio y Desarrollo de Audiencias



1º S

Dirección y Gestión de Equipos y Personas



1º S

Diseño, Planificación Estratégica, Ejecución y Evaluación de Proyectos



1º S

Fundamentos Jurídico-Mercantiles de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas      



1º S

Fundamentos Teóricos de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas



1º S

Gestión de Eventos Culturales. Ocio, Dinamización Turística y Deporte



1º S

Políticas Culturales en la Sociedad Actual. Planificación Territorial y Cooperación



1º S

Estrategias de Gestión en Sectores Específicos de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas



2º S

Estrategias de Innovación en el Sector del Ocio, la Cultura y el Turismo        



2º S

Gestión Emprendedora



2º S

Marketing y Comunicación Digital en las Industrias Culturales y Creativas



2º S

Mecenazgo, Financiación y Captación de Fondos



2º S

Prácticas Externas



2º S

Trabajo Fin de Máster



2º S

Request Information to know the complete program.

Reasons to enroll with PROMERITS

On-line Multi-device
Internships in the best Companies and Centers of the Cultural and Creative Industry
Teachers with Great Experience in Direction and Management of Cultural and Creative Industries
Library and Documentation
Personalized Tutor


Formación imprescindible y necesaria para cualquier  profesional.